Source code for hydrofunctions.hydrofunctions


This module contains the main functions used in an interactive session.

import logging
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import gzip
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset

# Change to relative import: from . import exceptions
from . import exceptions
import warnings
from . import validate
from . import helpers

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def select_data(nwis_df): """Create a boolean array of columns that contain data. Args: nwis_df: A pandas dataframe created by ``extract_nwis_df``. Returns: an array of Boolean values corresponding to the columns in the original dataframe. Example: >>> my_dataframe[:, select_data(my_dataframe)] returns a dataframe with only the data columns; the qualifier columns do not show. """ data_regex = r"[0-9]$" return nwis_df.columns.str.contains(data_regex)
[docs]def calc_freq(index): # Method 0: calc_freq() was called, but we haven't done anything yet. method = 0 if isinstance(index, pd.DataFrame): index = index.index try: # Method 1: Try the direct approach first. Maybe freq has already been set. freq = index.freq method = 1 except AttributeError: # index.freq does not exist, so let's keep trying. freq = None if freq is None: # Method 2: Use the built-in pd.infer_freq(). It raises ValueError # when it fails, so catch ValueErrors and keep trying. try: freq = to_offset(pd.infer_freq(index)) method = 2 except ValueError: pass if freq is None: # Method 3: divide the length of time by the number of observations. freq = (index.max() - index.min()) / len(index) if pd.Timedelta("13 minutes") < freq < pd.Timedelta("17 minutes"): freq = to_offset("15min") elif pd.Timedelta("27 minutes") < freq < pd.Timedelta("33 minutes"): freq = to_offset("30min") elif pd.Timedelta("55 minutes") < freq < pd.Timedelta("65 minutes"): freq = to_offset("60min") else: freq = None method = 3 if freq is None: # Method 4: Subtract two adjacent values and use the difference! if len(index) > 3: freq = to_offset(abs(index[2] - index[3])) method = 4 logger.debug( "calc_freq4:" + str(freq) + "= index[2]:" + str(index[3]) + "- index [3]:" + str(index[2]) ) if freq is None: # Method 5: If all else fails, freq is 0 minutes! warnings.warn( "It is not possible to determine the frequency " "for one of the datasets in this request. " "This dataset will be set to a frequency of " "0 minutes", exceptions.HydroUserWarning, ) freq = to_offset("0min") method = 5 debug_msg = "Calc_freq method:" + str(method) + "freq:" + str(freq) logger.debug(debug_msg) return pd.Timedelta(freq)
[docs]def get_nwis( site, service="dv", start_date=None, end_date=None, stateCd=None, countyCd=None, bBox=None, parameterCd="all", period=None, verbose=True, ): """Request stream gauge data from the USGS NWIS. Args: site (str or list of strings): a valid site is '01585200' or ['01585200', '01646502']. site should be `None` if stateCd or countyCd are not `None`. service (str): can either be 'iv' or 'dv' for instantaneous or daily data. - 'dv'(default): daily values. Mean value for an entire day. - 'iv': instantaneous value measured at this time. Also known\ as 'Real-time data'. Can be measured as often as every\ five minutes by the USGS. 15 minutes is more typical. start_date (str): should take on the form yyyy-mm-dd end_date (str): should take on the form yyyy-mm-dd stateCd (str): a valid two-letter state postal abbreviation. Default is `None`. countyCd (str or list of strings): a valid county abbreviation. Default is `None`. bBox (str, list, or tuple): a set of coordinates that defines a bounding box. * Coordinates are in decimal degrees * Longitude values are negative (west of the prime meridian). * Latitude values are positive (north of the equator). * comma-delimited, no spaces, if provided as a string. * The order of the boundaries should be: "West,South,East,North" * Example: "-83.000000,36.500000,-81.000000,38.500000" parameterCd (str or list of strings): NWIS parameter code. Usually a five digit code. Default is 'all'.\ A valid code can also be given as a list: ``parameterCd=['00060','00065']`` * if value of 'all' is submitted, then NWIS will return every \ parameter collected at this site. (default option) * stage: '00065' * discharge: '00060' * not all sites collect all parameters! * See for full list period (str): NWIS period code. Default is `None`. * Format is "PxxD", where xx is the number of days before today. * Either use start_date or period, but not both. verbose (bool): If True (default); will print confirmation messages with the url before and after the request is made. Returns: a response object. This function will always return the response, even if the NWIS returns a status_code that indicates a problem. * response.url: the url we used to request data * response.json: the content translated as json * response.status_code: the internet status code - '200': is a good request - non-200 codes will be reported as a warning. - '400': is a 'Bad Request'-- the parameters did not make sense - see <> for more codes and meaning. * response.ok: `True` when we get a '200' status_code Raises: ConnectionError: due to connection problems like refused connection or DNS Error. SyntaxWarning: when NWIS returns a response code that is not 200. **Example:** >>> import hydrofunctions as hf >>> response = hf.get_nwis('01585200', 'dv', '2012-06-01', '2012-07-01') >>> response <response [200]> >>> response.json() *JSON ensues* >>> hf.extract_nwis_df(response) *a Pandas dataframe appears* Other Valid Ways to Make a Request:: >>> sites = ['07180500', '03380475', '06926000'] # Request a list of sites. >>> service = 'iv' # Request real-time data >>> days = 'P10D' # Request the last 10 days. >>> stage = '00065' # Sites that collect discharge usually collect water depth too. >>> response2 = hf.get_nwis(sites, service, period=days, parameterCd=stage) Request Data By Location:: >>> # Request the most recent daily data for every site in Maine >>> response3 = hf.get_nwis(None, 'dv', stateCd='ME') >>> response3 <Response [200]> The specification for the USGS NWIS IV service is located here: """ service = validate.check_NWIS_service(service) if parameterCd == "all": parameterCd = None header = {"Accept-encoding": "gzip", "max-age": "120"} values = { # specify version of nwis json. Based on WaterML1.1 # json,1.1 works; json%2C works; json1.1 DOES NOT WORK "format": "json,1.1", "sites": validate.check_parameter_string(site, "site"), "stateCd": stateCd, "countyCd": validate.check_parameter_string(countyCd, "county"), "bBox": validate.check_NWIS_bBox(bBox), "parameterCd": validate.check_parameter_string(parameterCd, "parameterCd"), "period": period, "startDT": start_date, "endDT": end_date, } # Check that site selection parameters are exclusive! total = helpers.count_number_of_truthy([site, stateCd, countyCd, bBox]) if total == 1: pass elif total > 1: raise ValueError( "Select sites using either site, stateCd, " "countyCd, or bBox, but not more than one." ) elif total < 1: raise ValueError( "Select sites using at least one of the following " "arguments: site, stateCd, countyCd or bBox." ) # Check that time parameters are not both set. # If neither is set, then NWIS will return the most recent observation. if start_date and period: raise ValueError( "Use either start_date or period, or neither, " "but not both." ) if not (start_date or period): # User didn't specify time; must be requesting most recent data. # See issue #49. pass url = "" url = url + service + "/?" if verbose: print(f"Requesting data from {url}...", end="\r") response = requests.get(url, params=values, headers=header) if verbose: print("Requested data from", response.url) # requests will raise a 'ConnectionError' if the connection is refused # or if we are disconnected from the internet. # .get_nwis() will always return the response. # Higher-level code that calls get_nwis() may decide to handle or # report status codes that indicate something went wrong. # Issue warnings for bad status codes nwis_custom_status_codes(response) if not response.text: raise exceptions.HydroNoDataError( "The NWIS has returned an empty string for this request." ) return response
[docs]def get_nwis_property(nwis_dict, key=None, remove_duplicates=False): """Returns a list containing property data from an NWIS response object. Args: nwis_dict (dict): the json returned in a response object as produced by ``get_nwis().json()``. key (str): a valid NWIS response property key. Default is `None`. The index is \ returned if key is `None`. Valid keys are: * None * name - constructed name "provider:site:parameterCd:statistic" * siteName * siteCode * timeZoneInfo * geoLocation * siteType * siteProperty * variableCode * variableName * variableDescription * valueType * unit * options * noDataValue remove_duplicates (bool): a flag used to remove duplicate values in the returned list. Returns: a list with the data for the passed key string. Raises: HydroNoDataError when the request is valid, but NWIS has no data for \ the parameters provided in the request. ValueError when the key is not available. """ # nwis_dict = response_obj.json() # strip header and all metadata. ts is the 'timeSeries' element of the # response; it is an array of objects that contain time series data. ts = nwis_dict["value"]["timeSeries"] msg = "The NWIS reports that it does not have any data for this request." if len(ts) < 1: raise exceptions.HydroNoDataError(msg) # This predefines what to expect in the response. # Would it be better to look in the response for the key? # Pseudo code # skip stations with no data # if key in tts['variable']: # v = etc # elif key in tts['sourceInfo']: # v = etc # elif key in tts: # v = etc # else just return index or raise an error later # sourceInfo = [ "siteName", "siteCode", "timeZoneInfo", "geoLocation", "siteType", "siteProperty", ] variable = [ "variableCode", "variableName", "variableDescription", "valueType", "unit", "options", "noDataValue", ] root = ["name"] vals = [] try: for idx, tts in enumerate(ts): d = tts["values"][0]["value"] # skip stations with no data if len(d) < 1: continue if key in variable: v = tts["variable"][key] elif key in sourceInfo: v = tts["sourceInfo"][key] elif key in root: v = tts[key] else: v = idx # just return index if remove_duplicates: if v not in vals: vals.append(v) else: vals.append(v) # Why catch this? If we can't find the key, we already return the index. except: # TODO: dangerous to use bare 'except' clauses. msg = 'The selected key "{}" could not be found'.format(key) raise ValueError(msg) return vals
[docs]def extract_nwis_df(nwis_dict, interpolate=False): """Returns a Pandas dataframe and a metadata dict from the NWIS response object or the json dict of the response. Args: nwis_dict (obj): the json from a response object as returned by get_nwis().json(). Alternatively, you may supply the response object itself. interpolate (bool): fill missing data values with interpolated values. Default False. Returns: a pandas dataframe. Raises: HydroNoDataError when the request is valid, but NWIS has no data for the parameters provided in the request. HydroUserWarning when one dataset is sampled at a lower frequency than another dataset in the same request. """ if type(nwis_dict) is not dict: nwis_dict = nwis_dict.json() # strip header and all metadata. ts = nwis_dict["value"]["timeSeries"] if ts == []: # raise a HydroNoDataError if NWIS returns an empty set. # # Ideally, an empty set exception would be raised when the request # is first returned, but I do it here so that the data doesn't get # extracted twice. # TODO: raise this exception earlier?? # # ** Interactive sessions should have an error raised. # # **Automated systems should catch these errors and deal with them. # In this case, if NWIS returns an empty set, then the request # needs to be reconsidered. The request was valid somehow, but # there is no data being collected. raise exceptions.HydroNoDataError( "The NWIS reports that it does not " "have any data for this request." ) # create a list of time series; # set the index, set the data types, replace NaNs, sort, find the first and last collection = [] starts = [] ends = [] freqs = [] meta = {} for series in ts: full_series_name = series["name"] name_list = full_series_name.split(":") agency = str(name_list[0]) site_id = agency + ":" + str(name_list[1]) parameter_cd = str(name_list[2]) stat = str(name_list[3]) siteName = series["sourceInfo"]["siteName"] siteLatLongSrs = series["sourceInfo"]["geoLocation"]["geogLocation"] noDataValues = series["variable"]["noDataValue"] variableDescription = series["variable"]["variableDescription"] unit = series["variable"]["unit"]["unitCode"] values = series["values"] for method in values: data = method["value"] # This line assumes only one method per parameter. See issue #77. # data = series["values"][0]["value"] if data == []: # This parameter has no data. Skip to next series. continue if len(data) == 1: # This parameter only contains the most recent reading. # See Issue #49 pass method_description = method["method"][0]["methodDescription"] method_id = str(method["method"][0]["methodID"]) # use method_mod as a modifier for altering parameter names. method_mod = "-" + method_id if len(values) == 1: # If there is only one method, don't bother recording method #. method_mod = "" series_name = site_id + ":" + parameter_cd + method_mod + ":" + stat qualifiers_name = series_name + "_qualifiers" DF = pd.DataFrame(data=data) DF.index = pd.to_datetime(DF.pop("dateTime"), utc=True) DF["value"] = DF["value"].astype(float) DF = DF.replace(to_replace=noDataValues, value=np.nan) DF["qualifiers"] = DF["qualifiers"].apply(lambda x: ",".join(x)) DF.rename( columns={"qualifiers": qualifiers_name, "value": series_name}, inplace=True, ) DF.sort_index(inplace=True) local_start = DF.index.min() local_end = DF.index.max() starts.append(local_start) ends.append(local_end) local_freq = calc_freq(DF.index) freqs.append(local_freq) if not DF.index.is_unique: print( "Series index for " + series_name + " is not unique. Attempting to drop identical rows." ) DF = DF.drop_duplicates(keep="first") if not DF.index.is_unique: print( "Series index for " + series_name + " is STILL not unique. Dropping first rows with duplicated date." ) DF = DF[~DF.index.duplicated(keep="first")] if local_freq > pd.Timedelta(to_offset("0min")): local_clean_index = pd.date_range( start=local_start, end=local_end, freq=local_freq, tz="UTC" ) # if len(local_clean_index) != len(DF): # This condition happens quite frequently with missing data. # print(str(series_name) + "-- clean index length: "+ str(len(local_clean_index)) + " Series length: " + str(len(DF))) DF = DF.reindex(index=local_clean_index, copy=True) else: # The dataframe DF must contain only the most recent data. pass qual_cols = DF.columns.str.contains("_qualifiers") # # Instead, create a temporary dataframe, fillna, then copy back into original. DFquals = DF.loc[:, qual_cols].fillna("hf.missing") DF.loc[:, qual_cols] = DFquals if local_freq > pd.Timedelta(to_offset("0min")): variableFreq_str = str(to_offset(local_freq)) else: variableFreq_str = str(to_offset("0min")) parameter_info = { "variableFreq": variableFreq_str, "variableUnit": unit, "variableDescription": variableDescription, "methodID": method_id, "methodDescription": method_description, } site_info = { "siteName": siteName, "siteLatLongSrs": siteLatLongSrs, "timeSeries": {}, } # if site is not in meta keys, add it. if site_id not in meta: meta[site_id] = site_info # Add the variable info to the site dict. meta[site_id]["timeSeries"][parameter_cd + method_mod] = parameter_info collection.append(DF) if len(collection) < 1: # It seems like this condition should not occur. The NWIS trims the # response and returns an empty nwis_dict['value']['timeSeries'] # if none of the parameters requested have data. # If at least one of the paramters have data, # then the empty series will get delivered, but with no data. # Compare these requests: # empty: # one empty, one full:,00060 raise exceptions.HydroNoDataError( "The NWIS does not have any data for" " the requested combination of sites" ", parameters, and dates." ) startmin = min(starts) endmax = max(ends) # Remove all frequencies of zero from freqs list. zero = pd.Timedelta("0min") freqs_no_zeros = list(filter(lambda x: x > zero, freqs)) if len(freqs_no_zeros) > 0: freqmin = min(freqs_no_zeros) freqmax = max(freqs_no_zeros) if freqmin != freqmax: warnings.warn( "One or more datasets in this request is going to be " "'upsampled' to " + str(freqmin) + " because the data " "were collected at a lower frequency of " + str(freqmax), exceptions.HydroUserWarning, ) clean_index = pd.date_range(start=startmin, end=endmax, freq=freqmin, tz="UTC") cleanDF = pd.DataFrame(index=clean_index) for dataset in collection: cleanDF = pd.concat([cleanDF, dataset], axis=1) # Replace lines with missing _qualifier flags with hf.upsampled qual_cols = cleanDF.columns.str.contains("_qualifiers") cleanDFquals = cleanDF.loc[:, qual_cols].fillna("hf.upsampled") cleanDF.loc[:, qual_cols] = cleanDFquals if interpolate: # TODO: mark interpolated values with 'hf.interp' # select data, then replace Nans with interpolated values. data_cols = cleanDF.columns.str.contains(r"[0-9]$") cleanDFdata = cleanDF.loc[:, data_cols].interpolate() cleanDF.loc[:, data_cols] = cleanDFdata else: # If datasets only contain most recent data, then # don't set an index or a freq. Just concat all of the datasets. # Alternatively, to solve issue #54 (Requests for only the most recent # data should be parsed differently) We could combine the different dataframes # in collection using a different procedure. cleanDF = pd.concat(collection, axis=1) = "datetimeUTC" if not DF.index.is_unique: DF = DF[~DF.index.duplicated(keep="first")] if not DF.index.is_monotonic_increasing: DF.sort_index(axis=0, inplace=True) return cleanDF, meta
[docs]def nwis_custom_status_codes(response): """ Raise custom warning messages from the NWIS when it returns a status_code that is not 200. Args: response: a response object as returned by get_nwis(). Returns: `None` if response.status_code == 200 Raises: HydroNoDataError: when a non-200 status code is returned. Note: NWIS status_code messages come from: Additional status code documentation: """ nwis_msg = { "200": "OK", "400": "400 Bad Request - " "This often occurs if the URL arguments " "are inconsistent. For example, if you submit a request using " "a startDT and an endDT with the period argument. " "An accompanying error should describe why the request was " "bad." + "\nError message from NWIS: {}".format(response.reason), "403": "403 Access Forbidden - " "This should only occur if for some reason the USGS has " "blocked your Internet Protocol (IP) address from using " "the service. This can happen if we believe that your use " "of the service is so excessive that it is seriously " "impacting others using the service. To get unblocked, " "send us the URL you are using along with the IP using " "this form. We may require changes to your query and " "frequency of use in order to give you access to the " "service again.", "404": "404 Not Found - " "Returned if and only if the query expresses a combination " "of elements where data do not exist. For multi-site " "queries, if any data are found, it is returned for those " "site/parameters/date ranges where there are data.", "503": "500 Internal Server Error - " "If you see this, it means there is a problem with the web " "service itself. It usually means the application server " "is down unexpectedly. This could be caused by a host of " "conditions, but changing your query will not solve this " "problem. The NWIS application support team has to fix it. Most " "of these errors are quickly detected and the support team " "is notified if they occur.", } if response.status_code == 200: return None # All other status codes will raise an exception. # Use the status_code as a key, return None if key not in dict msg = ( "The NWIS returned a code of {}.\n".format(response.status_code) + nwis_msg.get(str(response.status_code)) + "\nURL used in this request: {}".format(response.url) ) raise exceptions.HydroNoDataError(msg)
[docs]def read_parquet(filename): """Read a hydrofunctions parquet file. This function will read a parquet file that was saved by hydrofunctions.save_parquet() and return a dataframe and a metadata dictionary. Args: filename (str): A string with the filename and extension. Returns: dataframe (pd.DataFrame): a pandas dataframe. meta (dict): a dictionary with the metadata for the NWIS data request, if it exists. """ pa_table = pq.read_table(filename) dataframe = pa_table.to_pandas() dataframe.index.freq = calc_freq(dataframe.index) meta_dict = pa_table.schema.metadata if b"hydrofunctions_meta" in meta_dict: meta_string = meta_dict[b"hydrofunctions_meta"].decode() meta = json.loads(meta_string) else: meta = None return dataframe, meta
[docs]def save_parquet(filename, dataframe, hf_meta): """Save a hydrofunctions parquet file. This function will save a dataframe and a dictionary into the parquet format. Parquet files are a compact, easy to process format that work well with Pandas and large datasets. This function will accompany the dataframe with a dictionary of NWIS metadata that is produced by the hydrofunctions.extract_nwis_df() function. This file can then be read by the hydrofunctions.read_parquet() function. Args: filename (str): A string with the filename and extension. dataframe (pd.DataFrame): a pandas dataframe. hf_meta (dict): a dictionary with the metadata for the NWIS data request, if it exists. """ if len(filename.split(".")) == 1: filename = filename + ".gz.parquet" table = pa.Table.from_pandas(dataframe, preserve_index=True) meta_dict = table.schema.metadata hf_string = json.dumps(hf_meta).encode() meta_dict[b"hydrofunctions_meta"] = hf_string table = table.replace_schema_metadata(meta_dict) pq.write_table(table, filename, compression="gzip")
[docs]def read_json_gzip(filename): """Read a gzipped JSON file into a Python dictionary. Reads JSON files that have been zipped and returns a Python dictionary. Usually the files should have an extension .json.gz Hydrofunctions uses this function to store the original JSON format WaterML response from the USGS NWIS. Args: filename (str): A string with the filename and extension. Returns: a dictionary of the file contents. """ with, "rb") as zip_file: zip_dict = json.loads( return zip_dict
[docs]def save_json_gzip(filename, json_dict): """Save a Python dictionary as a gzipped JSON file. This save function is especially designed to compress and save the original JSON response from the USGS NWIS. If no file extension is specified, then a .json.gz extension will be provided. Args: filename (str): A string with the filename and extension. json_dict (dict): A dictionary representing the json content. """ if len(filename.split(".")) == 1: filename = filename + "json.gz" with, "wt", encoding="ascii") as zip_file: json.dump(json_dict, zip_file)